An Adult’s Guide to the Pokémon Go Craze

Pokémon Go is the latest app craze taking over the country. And while the game is gluing kids (of all ages) to their phones, this app has added a twist; it is used outside.

(For reference, outside is a magical place with a giant ball of energy in the sky and other life forms. It’s cool.)

Before we get into what the app does and how it works, let’s start by asking a question: what is a Pokémon?

Pokémon began as a video game back in the 1990s for the Nintendo Game Boy. From there it grew into a collectible card game, cartoons, toys and more. Pokémon are creatures in the wild that can be caught, trained and evolved. Trainers can also battle with their Pokémon against other trainers.

Now, here is how the app works:

You walk around a map of your area and use your device (typically a smartphone) to look for Pokémon. They appear, and your device vibrates to let you know.
Pokemon Go screenshot

Tapping on the Pokémon will bring up an interface where you throw balls to try and capture them.
Pidgey Pokemon

If you are successful, then that Pokémon is registered to you. There are common Pokémon that will pop frequently, and some that will be uncommon or rare. Each Pokémon will have a CP, or Combat Power. The more powerful CP a Pokémon has, the tougher it could be to catch.

Powering up:
When you catch a Pokémon, you get candy for that particular type of Pokémon. This candy can be used to power up Pokémon to a higher CP and better health.

If you have several of the same type of Pokémon, you can Transfer them. This gives you more candy. After you gather enough of that candy, you can use it to to evolve Pokémon into bigger, stronger or more magical versions.

A Pokéstop is a landmark that has been designated by the game. Visiting a Pokéstop and spinning the picture will drop items you can use for catching and training your Pokémon.

A Gym in Pokémon Go is a place you can battle your Pokémon against others. Having a Pokémon at a gym will let you claim coins that can be used to buy items for the game.

There are 3 teams in Pokémon Go, Team Instinct (Yellow), Team Mystic (Blue) and Team Valor (Red). When you reach Level 5 in the game and visit a gym, you can decide which team you would like to join.

Gyms that are owned by another team can be battled and overtaken. You can put six of your Pokémon up against the gym and battle by attacking each of the Pokémon occupying the gym.

If a gym is owned by your team, you can train there. Training is the same as battling except you fight with only one Pokémon. If you successfully defeat enough of the Pokémon occupying the gym you can add one of yours to the gym and raise that gym’s level, making it harder for another team to take it over.

Eggs can be collected from Pokéstops, and these can be hatched into Pokémon by using an incubator and walking a certain distance. There are eggs that hatch at 2 km, 5 km and 10 km.

The game has an Augmented Reality (or AR) function that allows virtual elements of the game to appear in the real world using your device’s camera. This allows the trainer to experience trying to catch Pokémon in reality.
Pokemon at the library

The game has been out less than a month, so be patient with glitches and server issues the creators are working on. Keep in mind that this game uses your devices’s data and location. It also uses a lot of your battery, so be prepared to charge often. Please be aware of your surroundings, and never, ever play Pokémon Go while driving.

This app is extremely fun, very addictive and a great way to increase your activity level, so get out there and try to catch them all!