Nonfiction Roundup – July 2018

Here is a quick look at the most noteworthy nonfiction titles being released this June. Visit our catalog for a more extensive list.


Jell-o Girls book coverIn “Jell-o Girls” by Allie Rowbottom, a descendant of the Jell-O dynasty traces the privilege, addiction and illness that has impacted generations of her family, tracing her late mother’s obsessive research into a link between their family’s lifestyle and poor health. Part memoir, part family history, this title presents an enthralling examination of the dark side of an iconic American product.


Indianapolis book coverLynn Vincent and Sara Vladic’s “Indianapolis” presents the story of the U.S. Navy heavy cruiser that was sunk by Japanese torpedoes in 1945 just days after delivering atomic bomb components to the Pacific and draws on original research and new reporting to trace the half-century battle to exonerate Captain Charles McVay after a wrongful court martial.


From the Corner of the Oval book coverBeing a stenographer in the Obama White House gave Rebecca Dorey-Stein privileged access to some of the most important conversations in the world. In her memoir “From the Corner of the Oval,” she traces her unexpected job offer, participation on the elite teams that supported and traveled with President Obama and the heartbreak that blurred the lines between her personal and professional lives.