Reader Review: Cinder

Cinder book coverCinder” is set in the future: it’s about a girl who is part cyborg. She lives in present-day China with her mean stepmom, two stepsisters and her best friend — who is a computer. She works as a mechanic and meets the prince of her country when he seeks her out for a job. On top of this, an evil queen is desiring to marry the prince. Further complicating things, a terrible disease is infiltrating the city and a cure is desperately being sought. I like this book because it’s fun and quick to read, the story is different with the creation of a Lunar world and it plays off of Cinderella.

Three words that describe this book: Futuristic, Science, Fiction

You might want to pick this book up if: You enjoy young adult novels, quick reads or easy/enjoyable plot lines.
