Internet Safety

"Chicken Clicking" book cover With technology constantly evolving, the juggling act of keeping up with the changes and helping your child navigate though them can be a challenge. To help you with this, the library has a whole page dedicated to internet safety. Each of these websites provide tips and resources to help manage your child’s online activity.

For younger kids, “Chicken Clicking” by Jeanne Willis is a great book to introduce the topic of internet safety. Considered the “Little Red Riding Hood for the iPad generation,” “Chicken Clicking” is about a chick that finds her way onto the farmer’s computer and discovers that the online world isn’t as safe as she thought it was. Read the book together, and then discuss with your child how handle an interaction if a stranger tries to communicate with them online.

Want to check out more items about internet safety? Click here for a list of books and DVDs that gives helpful tips and information!