Meditation and Mindfulness for Children

Photo of child meditatingYoung children often struggle to be understood, especially in stressful situations. When this happens, frustration can quickly escalate to a full-blown tantrum.

As adults, we recognize the fact that developing the skill sets necessary to avoid going from zero to meltdown takes time and a lot of practice. One way today’s parents, guardians and educators are helping children cope with stress is by teaching children to meditate. However, equally important is the practice of mindfulness.

Psychology Today describes mindfulness as “a state of active, open attention on the present. … Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.”

At DBRL, we offer some excellent materials on meditation and mindfulness for children of all ages. Here is just a sampling:


Baby Present” by Rachel Neumann introduces young readers to the concept of mindfulness by encouraging them to enjoy the moment.

Meditation Is an Open Sky” by Whitney Stewart features nine simple exercises that help children learn to manage stress and emotions.

Shhh!” by Jeanne Willis displays an insightful shrew who reminds children of the importance of being still and really listening.

Downloadable materials:

Guided Meditations for Children” by Michelle Roberton-Jones is a story about Eeny, Meeny, Miney and Mo, characters who help children explore their imaginations through ten short meditations.

10 Mindful Minutes” by Goldie Hawn offers social and emotional skills to help reduce stress and anxiety and create healthier and happier lives.

Music CDs:

Mindful Moments for Kids” by Kira Willey has thirty one-minute mindful exercises help children harness their energy, release anxiety and develop self-awareness and compassion.

Earth: Songs for the Earth and All Beings” by Charity and the JAMband is a celebration of the Earth focusing on compassion, kindness, mindfulness, intentional action and community.