Debut Author Spotlight: September

As we head into fall why not check out one of these books by brand-new authors? There’s something here for every reader.

Good me Bad me book cover

Good Me Bad Me” by Ali Land

After Annie Thompson turns in her own mother — a serial killer who preys on children — to the police, she creates a new identity for herself as Milly. But despite her name change, Milly struggles to leave her old life behind. As her mother’s trial draws nearer Milly tries to be the good person she wants to be, but is tormented by the voice of her mother in her head, urging her to give in to her dark side.


A Secret History of Witches” by Louisa MorganSecret History of Witches book cover

The gift of magic has been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries, but when Grand-mère Ursule dies magic seems to die with her. Still, her family continues to recite the spells and rituals that once contained power in an effort to preserve their craft and in the hope that one day the magic will return. Following five generations of Ursule’s family — from Brittany in 1821 to London in the middle of World War II — “A Secret History of Witches chronicles the family’s struggles to recover magic and change the course of history.


Autonomous book coverAutonomous” by Annalee Newitz

Earth, more than 100 years in the future, has fallen under corporate rule enforced by the International Property Coalition (IPC). Enter Judith “Jack” Chen, a pharmaceutical pirate who reverse engineers expensive medications in order to treat the poor. When one of her drugs leads to fatalities, she begins an investigation into the company that originally manufactured the drug. Along the way she is pursued by two agents of the IPC — human Eliasz and his partner Paladin, a robot with a biological brain.


The End of the World Running Club” by Adrian WalkerEnd of the World Running Club book cover

When asteroids strike the Earth and civilization as we know it ends, Edgar Hill is separated from his family, left behind while they are evacuated. With no chance of rescue in Edinburgh, Edgar and the six other men and women stranded with him have only one hope of survival: a rumored evacuation from Cornwall 450 miles away. Without transportation, Edgar — who has never run a day in his life — must now cover that distance on foot if he is to have any hope of reuniting with his loved ones.


Other debut titles coming this month: