Literary Epitaphs

Posted on Friday, November 2, 2018 by Alyssa

Robert Frost Grave Bennington VermontWriters are immortalized through the written word, but there is one unique piece of writing inextricably linked to their mortality: their epitaphs. My favorite thing about literary epitaphs is how reflective they often are of the life and work of the writers they commemorate. In honor of National Plan Your Epitaph Day (seriously), I’ve collected some literary gems that are now set in stone.

Robert Frost wrote his epitaph years before his death in his poem “The Lesson for Today.” The final four lines read: “And were an epitaph to be my story / I’d have a short one ready for my own. / I would have written of me on my stone: / I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.” Similarly, Dorothy Parker selected her own epitaph. Because she was cremated, there was no actual tombstone on which to engrave it, so it was immortalized in a plaque in her memorial garden, dedicated by the NAACP. With her signature wit, Parker suggested:  “Excuse my dust.” Unfortunately, as Aphra Behn points out in her own epitaph, “Here lies a Proof that Wit can never be Defense enough against mortality.” Continue reading “Literary Epitaphs”

Haunted Columbia

Posted on Friday, October 19, 2018 by Alyssa

Book Cover: Haunted Columbia, MissouriThe approach of Halloween always piques my interest in the paranormal. When October rolls around, I can’t get enough of horror movies, paranormal fiction and ghost stories. I also can’t get enough sleep because I’m afraid that if I don’t keep a tight enough grip on my blanket, a demon under my bed will rip it off of me. One of my guiltiest Halloween pleasures is the show Ghost Adventures; I have always wanted to tag along with Zak Bagans and his team as they spend the night in some of America’s most haunted locations. Unfortunately, since that would be kind of tricky logistically, I have to look a little closer to home. In “Haunted Columbia, Missouri,” Mary Barile gives the backstory for several haunted locations right here in town. Drawing from stories in Barile’s collection and the Columbia Daily Tribune (or in the case of the final location, rumors I have heard through the grapevine), I have compiled a short list of possible stops for a self-directed ghost tour.

The historic Stephens College campus is worth the visit for the beautiful architecture alone, but paranormal enthusiasts will find plenty to appreciate as well. According to a 1971 article in the Columbia Daily Tribune (recounted here), a group including students, a teacher, and a newspaper reporter gathered for an amateur ghost hunt in Senior Hall. As soon as the door shut, wind filled the room and blew out the candle. Hearing footsteps, the journalist peeked out into the hall and saw two figures, a woman dressed in a gown and a man. “The man dropped into a low crouch, his left hand outstretched as though to ward something off. Then both figures disappeared down the stairs,” he says. Naturally, the group immediately left. Hours later, another group of students entering Senior Hall and were stopped by a woman in a gown warning them that their teacher (a member of the previous group) was no longer welcome there. Continue reading “Haunted Columbia”

Autumn Recipes Round-up

Posted on Friday, September 28, 2018 by Larkspur

PompegranatesWe all have seasonal dishes that we relish and return to year after year as our favorite ingredients become available. There is nothing wrong with loving our preferences and repeating our efforts in the kitchen, especially since established traditions, particularly around food, bring us enjoyment and comfort, and lend some stability to our ever fluctuating lives. Yet, trying new recipes, or variations on tried and true renditions, can liven up our creative cooking sensibilitiesand invigorate our palates. I’ve whipped up this list of cookbooks, arranged by seasons of the year, for your perusal. Many of them contain exquisite photographs of the seasons’ best bounty to further engage your interest in preparing what lies within, whether for daily fare or for holiday gatherings. Take a look at their “autumn or fall” chapters to see what new recipes might interest you. I hope you discover some new favorites that you can add to your fall cooking repertoire. Bon appetit! Continue reading “Autumn Recipes Round-up”

Tour the Rocheport Cemetery

Posted on Friday, September 21, 2018 by Dana

Autumn is a time of shortening days and cooler temperatures. The year is sliding into darkness, and so our thoughts, as they have done for centuries, turn to mortality, death and eldritch fears. And what better way to contemplate the most natural thing in the world, death, than with a cemetery tour in an idyllic rural setting? Continue reading “Tour the Rocheport Cemetery”

Help! My Stuff is Making Me Crazy!

Posted on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 by Reading Addict

Living room from a person with compulsive hoarding in Bochum, Germany.I’m serious. My stuff is making me insane — I mean full-on, crazy-train-insane. Let me explain. We never really fully unpacked when we moved here five years ago, and since then we have absorbed a couple of other households worth of stuff from relatives who have passed. I have definitely crossed my clutter threshold. It’s to the point that I almost just want to walk away from it all. I’m sure that all of that STUFF is really valuable, useful and sentimental stuff, right? WRONG!

Story of Stuff book coverSo I have been on a quest (obsession?) to get rid of the clutter in my house. I have been checking out decluttering, organizing, minimalism and zero waste books like crazy. Wait. We already established that the clutter is making me crazy, right? This quest has actually been an on again/off again thing for quite a while. I read “The Story of Stuff” when it first came out along with “No Impact Man” and even though I was concerned, life crowded those stories out.

Spark joy book coverThe first obvious go-to books are “The Magic of Tidying Up” and “Spark Joy” by Marie Kondo. The idea behind these books is to hold each object in your house and decide whether or not it inspires a sense of joy. Yeah, that’s not going to work for me. That would just have me getting rid of things that I should probably keep (like the vacuum cleaner) and holding onto things that I should probably have let go of by now (like that crazy prom dress). It’s also hard to look at an item like a whisk and say “I need to get rid of that.” No. It’s a tool. It’s useful. We need to keep it. But when I looked in my kitchen drawer — the one that won’t close because it’s so full — I counted 10 whisks so maybe I do need to let some of them go. Continue reading “Help! My Stuff is Making Me Crazy!”

Virtual Vacation: The Galapagos Islands

Posted on Wednesday, August 29, 2018 by Reading Addict


Darwin's ArchIt’s been an odd summer for my family. The longest we have all been able to make our schedules match up this year has been two days (over the Fourth of July) so we took a mini-vacation together to the Ozarks. Beyond that, we are all taking separate longer vacations. My daughter went to Greece (lucky girl!), my son is planning on going skydiving, and my husband just got back from visiting family in Denver (with gorgeously cool weather). Me? I’m heading to Texas in August, but it’s for my mother’s 82nd birthday so I won’t complain about the 100+ degree weather. But since we can’t all take an actual vacation together, I thought we could take a virtual vacation through the library!

I asked my husband where we should go for our virtual vacation and ran into an immediate snag. We have completely opposite vacationing styles. He likes islands; I like mountains and woods. He likes drinks on the beach; I like coffee shops in bookstores. He likes bungalows; I like historic hotels. He likes sand volleyball; I like strolling through museums. We did find a compromise, however — the Galapagos Islands. He gets sea and sun and I get science, history and adventure at a World Heritage site. Continue reading “Virtual Vacation: The Galapagos Islands”

Mid-Missouri PrideFest

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2018 by Kat

Mi-Missouri PrideFest logoThe National LGBT Pride Month festivities are held in June as a way to honor and remember the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan. Here in Mid-Missouri, with most of the college students away on summer break, June is a sleepy month. In order to share the love with as many as possible, the Mid-Missouri PrideFest will take place on August 25 at Rose Music Hall in Downtown Columbia, MO. This year, the library is taking Bookmobile, Jr. to join in on the fun — so be sure to stop by during this free, family-friendly event!

The Mid-Missouri PrideFest “is an annual, family-friendly celebration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and ally community in Mid-Missouri.” You can find out more information about the MidMO PrideFest at

The library has a ton of great resources for those interested in reading about LGTBQ issues and stories. We also have digital services with great music playlists and films. Continue reading “Mid-Missouri PrideFest”

Yoga = Meditation

Posted on Monday, August 20, 2018 by Seth

Full catastrophe book coverAs Jon Kabat-Zinn writes in his groundbreaking book, “Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain and Illness,” “Yoga is meditation.” The two go hand in hand and without one the other does not exist. The library is offering a program called Yoga and Mindfulness for Beginners on Saturday August 25. The class is taught by Brockell Briddle who is a certified yoga instructor in the Columbia area. We also have a wide ranging number of resources related to both yoga and meditation.

Perhaps the best way to learn about a yoga practice and techniques related to it are by taking a class, or watching a video and following along with the instructor poses. The library has dozens of DVDs related to yoga, and several new ones that have come in recently. One of our most popular yoga DVD series is called “Yoga for Busy Moms,” and several different versions can be found on our shelves. Yoga and mindfulness can also be used to assist in dealing with chronic pain; see “Survival Guide for Pain-Free Living” instructed by Peggy Cappy.   Continue reading “Yoga = Meditation”

Ukulele Fight Club!

Posted on Monday, July 23, 2018 by Reading Addict

photo of 3 ukeleles

Forget all the rules of fight club because we want to talk about this! Who even knew that ukulele fight club was a real thing? A lot of people, evidently! It’s not just here in Columbia, or Missouri, or even just the USA. No, this is a global thing. And why not? Ukuleles are the perfect instrument: small and portable, not too expensive or complicated, and you can sing and play at the same time. Ukuleles have shown up all over the place in popular music from Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow/It’s A Wonderful World” to anything by NeverShoutNever.

The library is a great place to learn this new skill. Check out some of these great books to help you get started: Continue reading “Ukulele Fight Club!”

Need a Job? We Can Help!

Posted on Friday, July 20, 2018 by cs

Career Fair

Whether you are just beginning a job search or in the middle of one, DBRL has a multitude of resources to assist you.

Here are a few basic tips for job hunting:

  • Cologne, scented hand lotion and aftershave can be a major distraction in an interview situation. The prospective employer might be turned off by the scent and your chance of leaving a good impression is greatly diminished.
  • Taking the time to practice responding to possible questions can really help during the actual interview, particularly if you get nervous during these types of situations. There are a multitude of published resources in the library and online that can give you common interview questions and good responses.  Practicing out loud — even writing down questions and responses — will help you if you suddenly get the deer-in-the-headlights feeling.
  • Most interviews involve some type of question about your strengths and weaknesses as an employee. Make sure your responses are specific to that particular job and you have examples of experiences that highlight your strengths. When talking about a weakness, be sure to also include what steps you have taken to improve that particular skill set.
  • Many companies (even smaller ones) use digital databases to search for candidates. This means that a human resource department will run search queries based on specific keywords. If those words are not found, your resume will be tossed without being seen by anyone.
  • If an employer states that they want a team player, make sure your resume and cover letter highlight specific experiences that show this characteristic.Anything you claim in a cover letter or resume should be backed up by actual experience.

Continue reading “Need a Job? We Can Help!”