Celebrate the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement!

Monday of this week was Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, and a day set aside to reflect on the sacrifices made by generations past in the fight for freedom and equality in this country. The past few years have shown us, if nothing else, that the journey toward a society where a man can be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin is far from over. We still live in a society whose motivating force, Capitalism, as Dr. King said, was “built upon the exploitation of black slaves, and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor, black and white, both here and abroad.” The road to true change, as Dr. King seemed to envision it, is a long road that we walk to this day. We at DBRL have collected a few books related to Dr. King and some of his contemporaries, and we encourage you to spend some time looking into this critical, and relevant, period of our nation’s history. You can find the book list here.

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