ACT Test Prep Resources @ DBRL

An illustration of a person sitting at a desk with a pen and paper. Text reads ACT Resources


Do you need help preparing for the ACT test?  We have compiled a list of resources to help you navigate this important college entrance exam.

What is the ACT?

The ACT exam is a standardized test required for admission at many colleges and universities. The exam covers four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading and science.

How much does it cost?

It costs $69 to take the ACT exam; this cost increases to $94 if you are required to take the writing test. A fee waiver is available for low-income students; however, ACT requires that you meet with your guidance counselor to see if you qualify.

Where can I take the ACT exam?

The ACT test is offered at several locations throughout Boone and Callaway counties, including most public high schools. Search online to find a testing location near you.

When will the ACT be offered?

Information regarding the national testing schedule can be found here. If you have missed the late registration deadline for a test date, you may be able to request standby testing. Testing usually takes place on seven Saturdays throughout the year. If you are unable to test on a Saturday test date for religious reasons, there may be options available to you. See Non-Saturday Testing.

All requests for Accommodations and English Learner support, including appeals, must be submitted by the late registration deadline through the Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) system.

What do I need to bring with me on test day?

You’ve paid the fees and studied hard now you just need to prep for the day itself. Here is a handy list of what you can and can’t bring with you on the day of testing. Don’t forget to take care of yourself before, during and after test day. If you need help managing your stress check out this blog for some helpful tips.

How can I prepare for the ACT exam?

  • Check out our collection of study guides and other resources to you navigate college admissions.
  • Access official test prep materials from the ACT program here.
  • Register for a free streaming webinar presented by ACT.
  • Take free online practice exams through LearningExpress Library. Please note that you will need your library card number to login. Your PIN is your birthdate (MMDDYYYY). If you have questions or encounter difficulties logging in, please call (573) 443-3161 or (800) 324-4806.
  • Access free lessons, learning resources and test prep materials through Brainfuse. Please note that you will need your library card number to login. Your PIN is your birthdate (MMDDYYYY). If you have questions or encounter difficulties logging in, please call (573) 443-3161 or (800) 324-4806.