Reader Review: That Summer

That Summer book coverI am apparently always a year behind on reading author Jennifer Weiner’s annual beach reads. Last summer, I read her “Big Summer” (published in 2020) and now I’ve read her “That Summer” (published in 2021). This year’s release is “The Summer Place.” Keeping all of those “summer” titles straight in one’s head is a task in itself! I am patiently waiting on the library’s holds list for the newest book, so hopefully, I will manage to get to it soon and get caught up with the masses.

Judging from its cover, “That Summer” is a light, fluffy beach read. However, having read several of Weiner’s books previously, I knew to expect some depth, particularly in regard to exploration of female relationships and body image issues. However, this one is perhaps darker than her others (and certainly darker than the cover would suggest), with a lot of references to the #MeToo movement. Rape is depicted and its lifelong effects on the victim and others involved is explored. So yeah, not exactly a light and fluffy read!

I enjoyed the alternating perspectives and the mystery that pulls you in as you unravel the connections among the characters. The characters themselves are enjoyable and relatable, and I especially enjoyed the mother/daughter relationship that was explored. The settings were evocative, especially Cape Cod. The conclusion left me wanting more, but then, Weiner was dealing with enormously difficult and emotional issues without clear-cut, easy solutions in real life or in fiction, so I don’t fault her too much for that.

Three words that describe this book: #MeToo, evocative, summer

You might want to pick this book up if: You enjoy chick lit or if you’ve never tried it before and wonder what you might be missing out on. I feel that books about the female experience are important for those of us who relate to them directly but wouldn’t it be nice if those on the “outside” would also read them occasionally and have a better understanding of what it’s like to live in our shoes?



This reader review was submitted as part of Adult Summer Reading. Submit your own book review here for a chance to have it featured on the Adults Blog. 

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