Reader Review: The Nineties

The Nineties by Chick Klosterman book coverThe Nineties” is a compelling cultural history of the decade that many Gen-Xers look back on with nostalgia. Klosterman separates the way we remember events in the 90s from what really happened and how Americans at the time perceived them. He delves into music, film, television, major events, and politics, among other topics. He gives numerous examples of trends and events that would seem baffling now—one hilarious example is the box-office success of films starring Pauly Shore. Other examples are much more troubling, particularly in light of the #MeToo movement, such as the critical acclaim of the film “American Beauty.” Klosterman challenges our memory of other trends of the time, noting that while grunge was a popular genre in terms of music, film, and TV series, including Nirvana, “Reality Bites,” and “My So-Called Life,” it was surpassed in sales by more mainstream fare, including Shania Twain and Garth Brooks and “Friends.” He does not conclude his book in 2000, with the widespread fears surrounding Y2K, but, rather, with the terrorist attacks of 9/11, as those ushered in a new decade.

Three words that describe this book: history, culture, fun

You might want to pick this book up if: You are interested in pop culture and its history and/or you miss the 90s


This reader review was submitted as part of Adult Summer Reading. Submit your own book review here for a chance to have it featured on the Adults Blog. 

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