Scholastic Learn at Home: Keep Kids Reading, Thinking and Growing

Are you teaching your child from home? If so, I know there’s an abundance of resources out there for you to use! One of my favorites that I recently learned about is Scholastic Learn at Home.

This online resource gives parents and caregivers 20 days’ worth of topics (or, as Scholastic calls them, “learning journeys”) created to reinforce and sustain learning for students who are unable to attend school at this time.

These learning journeys, designed for preschool all they way up to grade 9, are really fun! The content for the preschoolers through grade 2 includes eBooks that you can read or watch online, videos and drawing and writing activities. The older kid learning journeys include cool articles like, “Burger bugs? Why some experts think more people should eat insects.” Not only is this title a fun draw, it explains about how 2 billion people in the world eat insects, the nutritional benefits of eating bugs and how eating bugs can actually help the planet!

Scholastic Learn at Home
Here’s an example of what a day’s learning journey could look like. Fun!

The articles for older kids include photos, videos and are a fun, bite-sized way to learn. They also have the option of speech-to-text, if you want to listen as you read. You can select a Lexile level, and the articles will adjust, getting easier or more difficult with your pick.

Here are some additional resources for families to go along with Scholastic Learn at Home. They’ll be adding more every day!