Reader Review: The Only One Left

The Only One Left book coverI adore murder mysteries so “The Only One Left” was right up my alley and also one that hadn’t been on my radar until a friend chose it for our book club. Essentially, it is a book about Kit, a caregiver with her own secrets, who is assigned to Lenora, an elderly invalid woman living on an estate on a cliff’s edge who just also happens to be a supposed murderess.

What follows Kit showing up at the estate to care for Lenora is a delightful box of secrets, murder, and thinking that you have it all finally figured out when nothing could be further from the truth. Just when I figured one piece of the puzzle out, another piece would get lost under the couch or roll off the table and I would have to go searching for it. I figured out big things, but rarely the details that really flushed it all out. It was a very enjoyable read.

Three words that describe this book: Mystery, Secrets, Betrayal

You might want to pick this book up if: You love murder mysteries and lots of good old fashioned family secrets and drama set in another historical time. This is set in the 1980s.


This reader review was submitted as part of Adult Summer Reading. We will continue to share them throughout the year.

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