DIY Splash Balls

From visiting a local pool to running through a sprinkler, July is a great time for water play, and crafting your own toys adds to the excitement. With a few steps, you can craft your own splash balls!

Splash balls

You will need sponges (the soft kind, not super scrubby), scissors and string for these splash balls. 

Splash ball supplies

Cut your sponges into three or four long strips

Splash ball supplies

Lay out a piece of string about 12 inches long and stack 6-8 sponge pieces in a block on the string

Splash ball supplies

Pull the string tightly around the middle of the sponge pieces, cinching them in tightly. Wrap the string back and forth a few times before tying it off. 

Splash ball supplies

And you are done! You can adjust the size* by using a different number of sponge pieces. And you can adjust the colors with different sponges. Young ones will enjoy choosing and arranging pieces, and older kids can help with holding and tying.  

I love how these can be left out overnight to dry and be ready to play the next day, week, or season. No more trips to the store to buy water balloons. And no more tiny balloon pieces all over the yard and sidewalk.  

Splash balls

*I tried adjusting the size by cutting the sponges shorter, and the pieces don’t ‘poof’ out as well.  I recommend cutting long pieces.