Graphic Novels We Love: Horse Trouble

Horse Trouble bookcover

Hello. My name is Megan, and I am a late bloomer. I only recently realized that I’m a horse girl. Some people were born horse girls and they grow up dreaming of riding horses, but not me. I’m more of a horsewoman who has no desire to ride horses but loves to look at horses, read about horses and watch movies or shows about, you guessed it, horses.

Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers riding a horse.

Whether you are a born horse girl or came to it later in life, you should read “Horse Trouble” written and illustrated by Kristin Varner, but don’t worry, being a horse girl is not a requirement for reading this book, you just need to love a good story. “Horse Trouble” is the story of Kate, who is a 12-year-old girl who loves horses and is fat (self-described). Kate struggles with a lot of things you’d expect in a coming-of-age horse girl book — her family doesn’t have enough money for her to have a horse, so she works in the stables to pay for riding lessons. Like most teens/tweens, Kate also has some ups and downs with her mom and has some body image issues. The relatable and well-told story combined with the adorable illustrations makes this graphic novel a sweet read. Pick this up if you loved “Roller Girl” by Victoria Jamieson, “Nat Enough” by Maria Scrivan or the movie “Turning Red.”